domingo, 2 de diciembre de 2018

Regalos para el hombre recomendados para las navidades de 2018

Se acercan las navidades de 2018 y su año nuevo y es época en la que hay que pensar en regalos para aquellas personas que lo merecen y ¿por qué no? Para nosotros mismos.

Desde el blog Los accesorios masculinos, damos todos los años unos consejos sobre regalos que son iconos masculinos y que son un acierto seguro ya que hay cosas, las cosas de calidad, que nunca pasan de moda.

Aquí una lista con la dirección de la correspondiente entrada del blog para que obtengáis más información:

El Seiko 6105-8110ç

Conocido como "el reloj de Apocalypse Now", recientemente ha sido reeditado por la casa japonesa con nueva maquinaria más moderna. Un reloj elegante pero diferente de las típicas inspiraciones en Rolex.

El cuaderno Life Noble Note

Un lugar práctico pero muy elegante para escribir. Esta casa japonesa nos ofrece un producto de alta papelería que nos distinguirá en nuestro lugar de trabajo con solo sacarlo de nuestro maletín.

La Parker 51

Esta pluma vintage hace medio siglo que se fabrica pero aún se pueden encontrar ejemplares en buen estado. Ha sido la pluma más famosa de todos los tiempos y su diseño sigue siendo innovador y elegante. Merece la pena adquirir y regalar este objeto que es un pedazo de la historia del siglo XX mientras aún sea posible.

El maletín

De diferentes marcas y variantes, sin embargo un buen maletín de trabajo tiene que cumplir con unas características que harán que sobresalgan entre el maremagnun de las bolsas de trabajo vulgares.

La navaja suiza

Siempre útil y con múltiples modelos que la hacen prácticamente personalizable. Siempre lista para sacarnos de un apuro.

Los gemelos

Hoy día no los viste cualquiera, unos buenos gemelos hacen resaltar los puños de un traje y mandan un mensaje rotundo de estilo para los oponentes en una reunión de trabajo o incluso en una cena informal.

La capa española: 

Este es un imprescindible que recomiendo cada año. Es la forma más elegante de abrigarse y la mejor inversión para un armario masculino ya que no está sujeta a modas, lleva cientos de años sin cambiar y sigue siendo fantástica. 

Estos son solo un puñado de consejos sobre objetos imperecederos que acompañarán siempre a las personas a las que se los regalemos ya que no están sujetos a modas y son de una calidad incuestionable. Siempre que se usen, servirá a la persona que los porte para que nos recuerde como una persona que sabe regalar con buen gusto. 

jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2018

El Maletín

El maletín o porta documentos de caballero es un accesorio que a par de útil denota un status para quien lo porta. Habitual entre ejecutivos, su imagen está indisolublemente unida a la de una persona a la que le gusta transmitir una imagen de practicidad pero también de seguridad y de elegancia.

Haz click en las imágenes para verlas mejor

¿Por qué llevar maletín?

Porque necesitamos llevar nuestros documentos de una forma segura y no da buena imagen transportarlos en algo que no sea acorde con la importancia que tienen. Un escolar puede (y debe) usar una mochila y quizá un ejecutivo pueda usar una mochila para transportar ficheros desde su casa al trabajo, pero no dará buena impresión si se presenta ante un cliente importante y empieza a sacar documentos y contratos de una mochila que se acaba de bajar de la espalda y aún más, la mochila no suele ser rígida, por lo que puede llegar a arrugar un documento vital aunque sólo sea en las esquinas. Los maletines, por su rigidez, protegen mejor los documentos. 

Hoy día, como ya hemos comentado, el maletín se asocia mentalmente con un profesional de alta cualificación y es un complemento elegante para él. El maletín habla de nosotros en cuanto lo sacamos y nos representa cuando no estamos. Elegir un buen maletín, acorde con nuestro puesto de trabajo aunque ligeramente (muy ligeramente) diferente al de nuestros compañeros, es una baza.

¿Con qué combina un maletín?

Depende de la forma y el color, pero desde luego lo que conocemos como un maletín (no lo confundamos con una bolsa, macuto o mochila) está ideado para acompañar al trabajo a un hombre (o mujer) con traje. Los marrones con bolsillo suelen combinar mejor con ropa más casual o sport. En ese caso las cintas bandoleras son un buen añadido, pero nunca entres en una reunión de trabajo formal con el maletín en bandolera.

Si quieres además tener un pequeño plus de elegancia, procura que tus instrumentos de escritura (bolígrafo, pluma, Etc) concuerden en color y estilo. Un buen maletín negro queda mejor si sacas de él una estilográfica negra que un bolígrafo bic mordisqueado.

Consejos para elegir un buen maletín

- Asa grande, suficiente para nuestra mano (y como cada uno tenemos una talla distinta, hay que probarlo antes).
- Color negro o azul muy oscuro. Si se va a usar ropa sport, puede usarse el color marrón.
- Exterior predominantemente liso. Si tiene bolsillos, que estos no sobresalgan de la solapa que cierra.
- Forrado en cuero o material sintético similar.
- Tacto rígido, para que los documentos no corran ningún riesgo de arrugarse.
- Esquinas reforzadas.
- Compartimento principal grande pero con solapas a un lado para documentos que se necesiten extraer rápidamente.
- Porta bolígrafos-plumas interno. Los instrumentos de escritura no deben rodar sueltos por los documentos.
- Cierres resistentes y de llave o combinación.
- Que se pueda poner de pie, es decir, mantenerse erguido cuando lo apoyamos sobre su base.
- Cinta bandolera escamoteable si es que la lleva. Las anillas para fijar la bandolera deben ser resistentes pero lo más discretas posibles.
 - De un tamaño que como mínimo quepan folios de tamaño a4 y una tableta o un ordenador portátil de 12 pulgadas.

Lo que nunca debe llevar un maletín

- Colores estridentes.
- Estampados (figuras pintadas).
- Pegatinas. 
- Objetos dentro que lo deformen
- Los bolígrafos o plumas sueltos dentro de forma que suenen al moverse o manchen.
- Bandoleras de distinto color.

En definitiva, el maletín es una forma elegante de llevar nuestros documentos y enseres de primera utilidad a nuestro trabajo y que además nos permite transmitir una imagen de elegancia y seguridad en nosotros mismos. Elegir un buen maletín es un acierto por cuanto va a formar parte de nuestra carta de presentación e incluso nos representará donde lo hayamos dejado cuando no estemos presentes.

sábado, 10 de noviembre de 2018

La Leatherman Micra

Una herramienta que se ha convertido en un clásico para colgar del llavero de un hombre precavido pero que see distingue por su discreción y elegancia, la Leatherman Micra.

Haz click en las imágenes para verlas mejor

Características de la Leatherman Micra:

Longitud: 6,5 centímetros (2,5)
Peso: 51 gramos (1,8 oz)
Cachas de aluminio
Variedad de colores disponibles


Tijeras 2
Cuchillo 1
Regla 4
Limpiador de uñas 5
Pinzas 6
Abrebotellas 7
Lima de uñas 8
Destornillador plano/Phillips 3
Destornillador mediano 9
Destornillador extra pequeño 10

Concebida como la hermana más pequeña de las multi herramientas Leatherman, caracterizadas por poder plegarse y apenas sobresalir de un puño cuando están reducidas como la Wave o la Surge. La Micra cambia el uso principal de sus hermanas, que son unos alicates por los de unas tijeras totalmente funcionales. Es la rival directa de las navajas Victorinox Mini que hemos tratado en este blog con detenimiento en este enlace

La Leatherman Micra (como en general, todas las Leatherman) se distingue de las navajas Victorinox por un aspecto más rudo mientras que las Victorinox son más refinadas; es como la diferencia entre el dueño de un rancho tejano respecto a un hombre de negocios europeos, ambos son elegantes pero diferentes.

Queda pues al libre albedrío de cada cual el cual escoger que es lo que más le gusta y conviene para su llavero EDC. En este blog vamos a analizar las virtudes y defectos de la Leatherman Micra.

Puntos a favor 

Su pequeño tamaño la hace ideal para colgar de un llavero EDC
Buenos materiales
Buena fabricación
Tijeras muy funcionales.
Buena lima de uñas.

Puntos en contra 

Las pinzas son de uso incómodo
El destornillador pequeño no es muy cómodo.
Hay que desplegar las tijeras para poder usarse algunas funciones.

Tacto y agarre

El agarre es bueno pero metálico con los positivo y negativo que tiene esto. En condiciones calurosas el metal se calienta rápidamente y con manos sudorosas la Micra es resbaladiza, aunque al tener grabadas las lineas de la regla se mejora el agarre en esas condiciones. Sospecho que los ingenieros de Leatherman pensaron en esto mismo cuando incluyeron la regla más que en su uso obvio.


La hoja de la navaja tiene un afilado decente de fábrica. No es capaz de afeitar pero si de cortar limpiamente. El acero de esta hoja es de fácil afilado, lo que parece indicar un alto porcentaje de carbono. Recomiendo limpiar y aceitar la hoja para evitar oxidación.


La Micra se puede encontrar sin color (es decir, acabado metálico) con anodizado de colores (las he visto en verde, rojo y azul) o con cachas de plástico transparente. Si la vamos a usar colgando de un llavero habrá que tener en cuenta los golpes y rozadores que se va a llevar al frotarse contra las llaves.  A mi personalmente, me gusta en este tipo de herramientas que se les note las señales de desgaste que produce el uso y el paso del tiempo. 

Alternativa dentro de la familia Leatherman. Micra vs Squirt PS4

Más moderna y por ello todavía menos conocida y mítica, la versión Leatherman Squirt P4 tiene un tamaño similar a la Micra, cambiando las tijeras por unos alicates como función principal a costa de aumentar ligeramente el peso. La Squirt también incluye unas pequeñas tijeras aunque no tan buenas como la de la Micra. Es una buena opción pero siempre teniendo en cuenta que los alicates serán siempre endebles por su pequeño tamaño (que no por su fabricación) y que en un llavero el peso prima. Aconsejo probar antes de comprar.

Leatherman Squirt Ps4

En definitiva, la pequeña de las herramientas Leatherman es una magnifica acompañante en nuestro día a día y queda elegante colgando de  cualquier llavero.

El libro del blog: 

sábado, 3 de noviembre de 2018

How to invest in gold and precious metals: Basic Guide

How to invest in gold and precious metals: Basic Guide

Many people consider investing in precious metals both to obtain benefits and to get insurance in case of crisis or cover their retirement.
In this guide I am going to focus on how to invest to get that insurance to turn to in case of catastrophe.

Why invest in gold and precious metals?

Gold has been used as a luxury good since the human being is aware of his humanity. It has the quality that it does not oxidize and is different by color from the rest of metals that are gray (copper is also different but oxidizes) and has utility not only aesthetic but also industrial. Therefore, gold (and the rest of precious metals) will never stop having an appreciable value. You will never lose all the money that you invest in it and it will be revalued in times of crisis, which is when it is most needed.

Click on the images to see them in detail

1 oz Krugerrand

Does gold never lose value?

I have not said that, gold, like any good, is subject to the law of supply and demand. There will always be demand but in times of economic bonanza its price will fall and in times of crisis it will rise.

How much should I invest? A salary in gold

This is one of the most complicated questions but we are going to give you a reasoned answer. The logical thing is to think that the more gold you accumulate the better, especially if the crisis is just around the corner and this is what the typical gold accumulators will advise you.

Be clear and repeat despite the obvious that the more you have better and if you want to ensure something retirement is a good idea to make annual purchases to accumulate something that does not take inflation

Now, what happens if there is no crisis insured in sight and you just want to have a quantity to defend yourself against unforeseen events? If you invest a lot of money in gold you can find that you need that money for an emergency and the gold, even if it is very "liquid" will never be as quick to mobilize (in good times) as the usual money.
Therefore, how much do I have to accumulate at least in gold? Very easy, you have to have saved a salary in gold. What is a salary? Well, a salary is the money that you get (you get) in a month, whatever the amount is. With a salary is what you are used to survive in 30 days, reasonably enough time to escape from a country at war or find a solution to your problems. Having at least one salary accumulated in current money is a recommendation of the European Union to save you from unforeseen events, so I recommend that you make the effort to have that salary in normal currency and in gold (two salaries). If you have a high salary for sure you are used to more luxuries and if your salary is lower to more modest life. The measure of a salary fits all.
Alfonsina spanish gold coin

Do I buy all the gold in one go?

As the price of gold and other metals fluctuates, it is best to go buying little by little to go averaging. Think that in times of economic bonanza the gold goes down and in bad the gold rises.

Which metal is more convenient to invest to have that catastrophe insurance?

There are several precious metals such as rhodium, palladium, platinum ... which are still a good investment insurance (especially platinum) but make it easy for you not to have trouble buying it, of course the best is gold . Everyone knows it and knows it is valuable so it is easy to price (not like diamonds) and change it without problems. Its handicap, however, is that it is very valuable if, in case of crisis, its value rises a lot, you can find it in your hands with a piece that nobody can pay for, so silver pieces can be very useful for retail.
Platinum has less demand and is less known but many experts say it will be easier to sell as more platinum coins arrive on the market.

Do I invest better in bullion or coins?

Better the coins although both have their advantages and disadvantages. If you want to invest a huge amount it is best to have ingots for their greater weight, in addition, bullion tend to have lower premium or "Premium" (the cost of doing so and the benefit of the seller) on the price of gold (called this Spot). By contrast, ingots have less standardized forms which make them more easily fastable and therefore less demanded.
The coins have a well-known weight and dimensions (a one-ounce Krugerrand weighs always the same and always measures the same as another Krugerrand) and its drawing is also well known. To all this, many buyers prefer coins with a coined face (a king, etc.) because human beings are used to seeing faces and a fake face will have a somewhat different expression that will easily catch our attention.
Another thing, every time there are better fakes in terms of weight because of Tungsten, metal that weighs almost the same as gold and with which gold coins or ingots are sometimes covered with real gold. However, tungsten does not "sound" like gold and it is easy to tap a coin (with a wooden pencil so as not to damage it) and hear its sound; if Piiiiing sounds, it's solid gold.

Another advantage of the coins is that they can be sold in numismatic establishments, especially if they are historical coins, but this has also made their acquisition higher premium.

Do not buy damaged jewelry, your gold is with luck of 18 carats (75% of gold) and surely they will sell them as a jewel and you want to sell them as gold.There are jewelery with lower carat gold, make sure you buy

Coins and ingots large or small?

Better small since if the gold goes up in value we could have coins of much value and more difficult to change. Even so, a split gold coin still has value, although obviously in that case you have to weigh the fragment and it is not so easy to split a coin either.

What are the best gold, silver and platinum coins to invest-accumulate?

Choose coins known in your country as the Alfonsina of 25 pesetas of gold in Spain, but there are coins that are recognized in all countries
In these links you will find the entries I made specifically analyzing the best coins and precious metal bullion. I also explain the differences between 24 carat (pure gold), 22 carat (alloy with other metals and more resistant) or 900 (9 tenths) coins.

Best platinum coins to invest

Is it wise to buy gold jewelry then?

If you are going to enjoy them as decoration, yes, because you are giving them daily use, something that you do not do with coins and ingots, and if necessary, you always get money when selling it. In that case buying gold jewelry is very sensible but always bearing in mind that the gold it contains has been expensive to have paid the making of the jewel.

Where to buy gold and precious metals?

The best thing is always to buy in legal premises and obtain an invoice that will help us in case of selling them legally to understand us with taxes.
Some say that buying on a registered basis is bad in case one day there is a confiscation of gold by the state as occurred in the US during the Great Depression.

Where to sell my gold when I need to make it liquid?

In case of hyperinflation catastrophe as lived in Germany after the First World War, you can negotiate directly with him and take advantage of that you have a good that is more precious than paper tickets. If the company keeps you will get better prices of your coins in Numismatics stores (it is good to know what your coins are worth in advance) that sometimes also buy small bullion. There are pages of sale between individuals on the Internet and in case of despair you can go to a buy-gold that is where you are least going to pay but if you are desperate are a way out (bad) but a way out.

Is physical gold or gold in values ​​better then?

In case of catastrophe having a paper that tells you that you have gold in a Swiss bank may not help you at all and that if it is not a scam and your ounce of gold has not been sold to ten more people. Better for that the physical gold and in an accessible place that does not have to be in your house.

Be careful when saving the silver that has the tendency to rust, creating a dark oxidized or blackened.

Spanish silver coin of 12 euros.

This blog is dedicated to male accessories and will continue to do so. This entry on investment in precious metals is an exception at the request of visitors.

The best silver coins to invest

The best silver coins to invest

Some time ago we dedicated a chapter in this blog about the best gold and bullion coins to invest and, given the success it had, I think it is worth devoting a chapter to the best silver coins to invest.

Of a much more affordable price than gold, the truth is that for a lot of money silver is the ideal currency to invest because of its great upside potential in case of crisis and because it is a much more usable currency in case of catastrophe than gold coins. , which could be so valuable that they would not be useful to pay for everyday goods. The latter is the common position among the preparationists or "preppers".

In return, the silver "oxidizes" creating a patina that is sometimes very beautiful. You can have it with patina (gives it authenticity) or save the coins in sealed capsules.

Let's start

American Silver Eagle

This coin is the silver sister of the Golde Eagle. Magnificent coin, the American silver eagle has probably become the silver coin most appreciated by investors. It is a beautiful coin, with a complex design that makes it more difficult to counterfeit and has the backing of the North American economy.

American Silver Eagle
(Click to enlarge the images.

Face value: 1 US Dollar

Weight in silver: 1 troy ounce (31.103 grams)

Diameter: 40.6 mm (1.598 in)

Groses: 2.98 mm (0.1173 in)

Composition: 99.9% silver and the rest is copper.

Note: There is a version of this coin in gold but with a different design.

Canadian silver Mapple Leaf

Another coin that was born in the heat of a golden sister. The canadian silver mapple leaf is a currency well recognized in the whole world.

Canadian silver mapple leaf

Face value: 5 Canadian dollars
Weight in silver: 1 troy ounce (31.103 grams)
Diameter: 37.97 mm (1.4948 in)
Groses: 3.29 mm (0.1295 in)
Composition: 99.99% silver
Edge: Serrated
First year of minting: 1988

Note: There is a gold version of this coin with the same design.

Freedom of Mexico silver

They are sold in formats of 5, 2 and 1 troy ounce and also in subdivisions of 1/2, 1/4, 1/10 and 1/20 troy ounces.

Liberty of Mexico of silver, classic design from 1981 to 1996

Current design of the Liberty of Mexico de Plata, since 1996

Purity: .999 silver
Weights and dimensions:
1Kilogram   110mm
5 oz   65mm
2 oz   48mm
1 oz   40mm
1/2 ozt   33mm
1/4 ozt   27mm
1/10 ozt   20mm
1/20 ozt   16mm

Note: of the versions of 1 ounce and 1/2, 1/4, 1/10 and 1/20 troy ounces, there is also a gold version.

Other currencies

Very interesting are also the Pandas of China and the Australian Kookaburras. The first ones have the advantage of being very collectible when changing designs every year but they suffer from the fact that they are a coin that is copied by Chinese counterfeiters. The Kookaburra, whose design also changes annually, are fashionable among fans but are very little known among the general public.

Silver Panda coin

Silver Australian Kookaburra

The Spanish case. The coins of 2000 pesetas and 12 euros Spanish: Los Carlillos

The "Carlillos" (named after the face of Juan Carlos I of Spain are coins with a weight and a very attractive format, since they have the same size as a coin of an ounce of gold.) For its size less than an ounce of silver make it very usable in the famous environment "Mad Max", but they suffer from the bad policy of the National Manufactory of Currency and Stamp of Spain (FNMT) that has always sold them with a great surcharge on its real weight in silver, so in case of investing we have to be sure that the price at which they are sold to us has to be fair.

Coins of Spanish silver of 2000 pesetas

Spanish silver coins of 12 euros.

It is necessary to clarify that 2000 pesetas was to the change 12 euros. Also that there are several designs, because they were minted for essentially commemorative purposes, although the 2000 pesetas models circulated as currency. That said, because of its weight and size is a convenient currency to store and very useful as a payment instrument for retail in extreme cases, but if its price is far from the real value of silver at the time of purchase, perhaps you should think about it better.


Face value: 2000 Pts or 12 euros
Composition: 925 thousandths silver.
Weight: 18 grams
Diameter: 33
Edge: Smooth

In short, in the pockets of any investor, silver coins should not be missing, they are insurance against the risk of life.

The best platinum coins to invest

Platinum is a metal of superior value to gold, used in jewelry and in industrial processes related to the automotive industry that predict a promising future as an investment and yet it is little known, much less the fact that there are coins made of this metal.

This entry complements those that I have already dedicated to the most important gold and silver bullion coins.

The American platinum eagle

Currency that can be found in size of 1 ounce, 1/2, 1/4 ounce and 1/10 ounce. Endorsed by the American economy and its entire media apparatus, today this coin created in 1995 is the most powerful platinum currency. He has the problem that it is difficult to find outside the United States.

Be careful, the reverse has changed over time

American Eagle Platinum (Click to enlarge the images)

1/10 troy oz coin
Diameter:16.5 mm
Thickness0.95 mm
Weight0.1001 troy oz (3.112 g)
Face value$ 10
1/4 troy oz coin
Diameter22.0 mm
Thickness:1.32 mm
Weight0.2501 troy oz (7,780 g)
Face value$ 25
1/2 troy oz coin
Diameter27.0 mm
Thickness:1.75 mm
Weight0.5003 troy oz (15.560 g)
Face value$ 50
1 troy oz coin
Diameter:32.7 mm
Thickness2.39 mm
Weight1,0005 troy oz (31,120 g)
Face value$ 100

Platinum Philharmonic

Analogous to the gold and silver version, this Austrian coin is a wonderful coin to invest in being beautiful and increasingly recognized. It only exists in 1 ounce size.

Platinum Philharmonic


DenominationDiameterThicknessWeight in gramsFace valueFirst year
1 oz37.0 mm1.35 mm31.10 g€ 100.00since 2016

Platinum Maple

Analogous to the gold and silver version of this Canadian coin. Created in 1988, it has the prestige of this currency.

Platinum Maple

1988-19891 oz, 1/2 oz, 1/4 oz, 1/10 oz.9995Queen with 39 years
1990-19921 oz, 1/2 oz, 1/4 oz, 1/10 oz.9995Queen with 64 years
19931 oz, 1/2 oz, 1/4 oz, 1/10 oz, 1/20 oz.9995
19941 oz, 1/2 oz, 1/4 oz, 1/10 oz, 1/15 oz, 1/20 oz.9995
1995-19991 oz, 1/2 oz, 1/4 oz, 1/10 oz, 1/20 oz.9995
20021 oz, 1/2 oz, 1/4 oz, 1/10 oz, 1/20 oz.9995
20091 oz..9995Queen with 79 years

There are other interesting currencies such as the Australian Platipus, the Isle of Man or Somalia, but they do not overshadow the previous ones. Platinum is a metal with much future but less frequent in the numismatic stores than gold or silver, therefore, the more known the currency, the fewer problems we will have when converting it into liquid money.